THE PR MINDSET™ will give you concrete ways your business can prosper, both in impact and profit, by focusing on the one thing that really matters — creating and nurturing relationships with the people who matter to your business.

Have you ever felt frustrated, defeated, not worthy to continue your dream because you can’t reach 50,000 YouTube viewers in a month or add 10,000 subscribers to your email list in a weekend?

Maybe you’re like a friend of mine who earlier this year hosted an Instagram Live with another entrepreneur. They seemed to be a perfect fit because they were at a similar place when it came to audience size and influence. But recently she was telling me how her collaborator has surpassed her. She’s catapulted to a level that has my friend asking herself, “WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?”

But here’s the thing. SHE HASN’T DONE ANYTHING WRONG. Yet she feels discouraged.

Do you feel that way? Do you think you need X number of subscribers, listeners, followers, viewers before you can be a success? Go back to your “why” statement. Does it say anywhere, “I’m starting this business to get 50,000 email subscribers so I can make 1 million dollars in three years”?

I bet it says something about wanting to help clients or customers achieve their goals. Or wanting to help others experience a more joyful or transformative life through your creative work.

But the thing is, there’s no set number on how many people you have to reach to fulfill your why.

Let’s say you have 150 people on your email list. But those 150 people are your peeps. They engage with you, they respond to your surveys, they ask you questions, they buy your products or services. They LOVE YOU.

Now, 150 people may not seem like a lot. But honestly, that’s double the population of the town my Dad grew up in. You are helping the equivalent of a small town achieve their dreams. How is that not success?

And at its core, that’s what The PR Mindset™ is all about. Public Relations is about creating relationships.

But if you think your problem is that you don’t have enough people reading your blog posts or watching your YouTube channel, then your solution is going to be to spend lots of money trying to attract new followers.

Yet adding new people isn’t the answer if you’re just collecting them. You need to connect with them. You need to create relationships with them.

And those relationships are more important today than they’ve ever been. I keep seeing quotes from Gen Zs and Millennials saying they will not buy products from brands they wouldn’t be friends with.

I would argue it’s not just the younger generations who feel that way.

In The PR Mindset™ newsletter, every month-ish I’ll be giving you concrete ways your business can prosper, both in impact and profit, by focusing on the one thing that really matters — creating and nurturing relationships with the people who matter to your business. The people you were born to help. The people in your “why,” your “mission,” your “vision statement.”

If you’re ready to try a different tact that doesn’t make you hyperventilate when three people unsubscribe to your email list or six people unfollow you on social media, then join me by signing up below.

This may seem daunting, but know I’ll be with you every step of the way. Let’s start connecting over collecting. And I hope to connect with you soon 😍