Know, Like and Trust: Why it starts with your personal brand story

Once upon a time, when I worked in the Texas House of Representatives, I was sitting in the back of a committee room during a legislative hearing.

A well-respected lobbyist entered the room and sat down beside me. Leaning over, he whispered, “What’s your story?”

After a moment, I’m sure I mentioned that I was from Irving, Texas, that I’d been working at the Capitol for several years and that I was pursuing a doctorate in journalism.

Looking back on that exchange, I realize that was a horrible answer.

I had given this lobbyist bullet points about a life that was more interesting than my answer had suggested. I could have shared that I was juggling my full-time work as chief of staff for a House member with finishing my doctorate in journalism while being a single parent to an adorable preschooler. I could have shared my passion for politics and helping “the little guy” (cliché but true ☺️).

It was a missed opportunity for a colleague to get to know, like and trust me better.

How many similar missed opportunities have you had since starting your brand?

As you may have heard before, people do business with people they know, like and trust. People spend their money with brands only after they know, like and trust them.

And what better way to build that relationship than through storytelling.

People are naturally drawn to stories. Audiences spend billions of dollars on streaming services and countless hours in front of TVs or digital devices, engrossed in a good storyline. Millions of novels are sold to readers who want to lose themselves in alternative worlds.

In business, we often focus on objective data, facts and figures, product features, charts, technology and engagement through social media. And yes, they can be persuasive to clients or customers looking to work with or buy from successful brands.

But have you heard the saying, people buy emotionally then justify logically? Storytelling reaches people on an emotional level. Stories communicate to your ideal people exactly who you are, what you do and what you stand for.

And no story does that better than your origin, or personal brand, story.

It’s not easy for a brand, especially one that’s new(ish), to stand out among all the noise and competition in the market today. To grab your ideal person’s attention, you need to entertain, inform and build strong relationships with them. In turn, they will become loyal customers or clients, even when the competition is fierce.

You might think the best way to accomplish this is by talking about the benefits and features of your product or service. But here’s the thing. Your ideal people want to connect with you, not with your product.

What more personal way to make a connection than with your personal brand story? Your customers or clients want to know your history, why you started your business, and how you can help them. How are you different from all the other brands in your industry? What is your inspiration?

As Tony Stark asked Peter Parker in “Captain America: Civil War,” “What gets you out of that twin bed in the morning?”

Yes, at some point they will want to know about the features of your product or service and how it benefits them. But first they need to know who you are, deep down.

Show your human side by telling your personal brand story using any medium you’re most comfortable with. Whether that’s audio, video or the written word, don’t shy away from showing the real you, warts and all.

Now, I’m not saying being vulnerable is easy. It’s not. And I’m not saying you have to own up to every mistake you ever made. This isn’t a confessional.

But being honest about the setbacks you’ve faced, the obstacles you’ve overcome, to get where you are right now in your business is key to creating the relationships that lead to loyalty.

On that day in the committee room, I wasn’t looking for a job and entrepreneurship was a far-off dream. Yet I wonder what doors may have been opened had I shared more of my story.

And I’d hate to think that you’re missing out on possibilities by not sharing your personal brand story with the right people. You never know where a compelling story will take you.

I’d love to hear what you think! DM me on Instagram and let me know. 

Hey! I'm Tamara

Teaching PR at The University of Texas at Austin, I believe in the power of story to create profound connections. Let’s craft your story so you can create deep-soul relationships that transform lives.


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