I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs like you

Together, we can craft a personal brand story that will position you as the ideal person for your ideal people. And finally you can start living your “why.”

Tamara outside with hair blowing


Connect to the people you want to help with a story that’s undeniably you

If you’re ready to lean into who you are and share your truth, then let’s work together to write a personal brand story that will have your ideal customers + clients wondering where you’ve been all their lives.

Together, we’ll uncover your unputdownable story that conveys your passion for what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for. In the end, you’ll have a story written in your voice, from your unique perspective. A story that builds trust by showing your customers, clients or fans that you “get” them, so you can confidently create deep-soul connections that transform lives.

No need to figure it out alone

The nitty-gritty

I’ll be working with you on your story. And here’s what that means:

-> A 60-minute session for pinpointing the focus of your story & creating a roadmap for you to use when writing it

-> A line-by-line edit of your story

-> A second 60-minute session to go over my edits & share how to use your story beyond the “About Me” page 

-> 14 days of follow up email support as you put the finishing touches on your story

-> Your story that connects to the people you want to help by being undeniably you



"Tamara's process made me feel comfortable and confident when writing my story"

Tamara’s process made refining and writing my story stress free. Based on our discussion, she provided me with a very robust outline and walked me through how to use it. This allowed me to focus on letting my words flow, rather than focusing on the technical aspects. She also walked me through editing my story. Her process made me feel comfortable and confident about having all of the items I needed to share my story in a personal and authentic way.

Courtney Robinson
Tamara laughing in office

My Coaching Philosophy

-> I teach beginners PR writing. I understand that not everyone starts in the same place. I will meet you where you’re at.

-> I have learned that teaching is equal parts talking and listening. We will be partners in crafting your story.

-> I have no problem giving constructive feedback when needed. I can’t “bless” your story if it won’t help you connect with others.

-> I’m not afraid of using these two words a lot in my classroom: Any questions? Feel free to ask questions and make me rephrase if I’m not clear.

-> I love hearing from former students. Our connection doesn’t end at the beginning of your personal brand story. I want to hear from you so I can celebrate your wins with you.

Let's check this off your to-do list

Step one

You’ll click the button below to schedule a FREE call. Once you’re ready, I’ll send you an agreement to sign and an invoice to pay. Then you’ll receive a link to book your first 60-minute session.

Step two

Over Zoom, we’ll pinpoint the focus of your story and create a roadmap for you to use when writing it. Then you’ll get a link to book your second 60-minute session and a link to our shared Google doc.

Step three

You’ll write your story in the Google doc and I’ll edit it. In our session, I’ll share my edits as well as ways to use your story beyond the “About Me” page. You’ll leave with a story that connects to your people.