Telling your personal brand story is crucial.

Let’s make sure your story connects with your ideal customers + clients so you can start creating deep-soul relationships that transform lives.


You've landed here because you're...

A New Entrepreneur

You’ve started your own business only you’re struggling with how to write the “About Me” page when you’re the brand and it’s your story.

A Side Hustler

You’ve turned your hobby into a side gig but you’re finding it difficult to write your story so that it connects beyond your circle.

A Re-brander

You’ve shifted your brand’s focus but now you’re wondering how best to revise your story to reflect the new you and your new direction.

Ready to stop DIY-ing it?

Finally write the story that’s undeniably you

If you’re ready to check “write my personal brand story” off your to-do list, then let’s work together to craft one that will have your ideal customers + clients wondering where you’ve been all their lives.

We’ll uncover your unputdownable story that conveys your passion for what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for. In the end, you’ll have a personal brand story written in your voice, from your unique perspective. A story that builds trust by showing your customers, clients or fans that you “get” them, so you can confidently create deep-soul connections that transform lives.


Hey, I’m Tamara

I believe in the power of story to connect us to others, to create a bond that lets us know we are not alone.

With my Ph.D. in Journalism, I teach students at The University of Texas at Austin how to write for Public Relations. Almost universally, my student evaluations include the phrase “passionate professor.” And I bring that passion to help you dig deep inside to write those stories that create profound connections and lead to transformations in others’ lives as well as your own.

Around here, I share my storytelling secrets that, up until now, I’ve told only my students. I’m also big on coaching entrepreneurs who are all about using their talents and skills to inspire, motivate, educate or entertain others. Oh, and I LOVE celebrating your wins with (figurative) cartwheels and (virtual) high-fives. Let’s get started!

Featured in:

"Having a concise and compelling story makes me feel confident that I’m connecting with and drawing-in my ideal clients"

I was excited to share my updated brand story on my website and highlight my ‘about’ page! Having a concise and compelling story makes me feel confident that I’m connecting with and drawing-in my ideal clients, by giving them a glimpse into my journey and life as a stylist. My analytics from my about page have increased as a result of my updated brand story.

Courtney Robinson

You don't think your personal brand story is compelling? I wholeheartedly disagree.

THE PR MINDSET™ newsletter

Grow your impactful brand with connections over collections

Have you ever felt frustrated, defeated, not worthy to continue your dream because you can’t reach 100,000 YouTube viewers in a month or add 50,000 subscribers to your email list in a weekend?

You’re not doing anything wrong if you don’t live up to someone else’s definition of success.

But it’s one thing for me to say it. It’s another for you to believe it. And it’s my goal to make a believer out of you.

In The PR Mindset™ newsletter, every month-ish I’ll give you concrete ways to create and nurture relationships with the people who matter the most to your brand (and a few other things I would never tell anyone else 🤫).

You in?


Years of teaching experience


students helped throughout career


journals filled with stories + quotes


written + edited words of copy